Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, November 11, 2023
You Have the Power to Stop Wars and Change the Future
Message of Our Lady of Emmitsburg to the World Through Gianna Talone Sullivan, Emmitsburg, ML, USA on November 7, 2023

My dear little children praised be Jesus.
Pray with all your heart, and thank God the Father for all of life’s creation.
You have the power to stop wars and change the future. When My Son walked this world, nothing could happen to Him unless God the Father desired it. Live your life with a constant FIAT of love and praise to the Holy Trinity. You will feel His presence and He will teach you.
You have forgotten that the Kingdom of God lives WITHIN YOU. You have lost sight that in God the Father’s original plan, the Divine and humanity were inseparable. You are afraid and are concerned with distressful situations and need to refocus on God’s Truth and LOVE. God will not leave you. He shares all the things you do. He will not leave you behind. Evil wants you to believe you are finished and to cause despair. I need My strong army of children who LOVE and are vigilant, who constantly think of God, pray to Him, praise Him, and share in His Divine Will. You need to believe He is really with you!
This can cease any war and change the world.
I love you little ones, with the heart of a mother who cherishes and wants to see you safe. Pray to St. Joseph and he will teach you how to use your knowledge correctly, to know what to do. The key is VICTORY of the Cross, your cross. Your cross will come only when God the Father deems it your time. Nothing can happen to you unless it is in God’s Divine Will, or unless you choose to walk away from Him. God loves you and will never leave you.
Peace to you. I remain with you. Please, children, listen to your Most Sorrowful Mother. Do as I have requested. Thank you for responding to My call.
Ad Deum
See also...
Devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph